Lotus Neonatal Hospital Indore Madhya Pradesh (M.P)
20 +
Years in Serving Women & Children
6000 +
New Born Sent Home From NICU
10000 +
Children Sent Home From PICU
500 +
Healthy Babies
Lotus Neonatal Hospital in Indore
Why Choose Us
Lotus Neonatal Hospital Indore Madhya Pradesh have the best facilities, expertise and equipments for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) under the guidance of Dr. Jafar Khan Gold Medalist in Neonatology and Pediatrics.
Our experienced doctors like Pediatrician and Neonatologist are always available to provide the best care that your newborn needs in every situation.
When it comes to healing, it’s not only our profession but also our passion that helps us provide complete healthcare for women and newborn babies.
To address all types of critical neonatal health care situations, we are equipped with the latest medico-surgical equipment.
Lotus Neonatal Hospital Indore is a Leading and Trusted Healthcare for Women and Your Newborn Babies. One of The Best Pediatrics Hospital Indore